Treating Knee & Hip Pain In Bristol

Knee & hip pain

Knee pain and hip pain are conditions which can hinder mobility and cause a great deal of frustration. Yet so many people who suffer from these types of pain simply take pain killers to mask the problem – often for years. Not only is this approach unhealthy, but it also ignores the cause of the problem and leaves it to get worse.

Often people soldier on in pain, which badly affects their quality of life. It doesn't have to be this way! We have treated many patients with hip or knee problems. 

About hip and knee pain

Your knees and hips are the largest joints in your body. They support your body's weight and need to work in unison to provide a wide range of motion. We all take this mobility for granted, that is until something gets in the way. Wear and tear, injury, and poor posture can all cause knee and hip pain.

Treating knee and hip pain

Knee and hip problems do need to be dealt with, and, ideally, we want you to visit us before your pain becomes chronic. Chiropractic treatment is extremely effective at relieving and solving this kind of problem.

We work with the best possible techniques to relieve the tension, loosen up the muscles, and get the joints in the spine to move better. Our goal is to get you feeling better as quickly as possible, and to address the underlying problem to make sure that the pain doesn’t come back.