Treating Back Pain In Bristol


Back Pain is a very common complaint that affects many people. It is estimated that as many as 8 out of 10 people will suffer from back pain in their lifetime. Bad posture, sitting at a desk, or standing badly are some of the main causes of back pain. Lifting incorrectly, bending over awkwardly, sprains, tight muscles, or joints not moving correctly can also cause damage.

Types of Back Pain

Lower back pain, also known as lumbago, is the most common back problem. However, pain can be felt anywhere along your spine, from your neck down to your hips.

Injures or disease can cause Back Pain

•       A slipped disk – this is when one of the discs in the vertebrae is damaged and presses on the nerves.

•       Sciatica – a numbness or tingling sensation that travels from the lower back, into the buttock and groin, and then down the leg. Caused by an irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.

•       Whiplash – neck injury caused by a sudden impact, very common in car accidents, no matter how small.

•       Frozen shoulder – inflammation around the shoulder that causes pain, stiffness and loss of function.

Treating Back Pain

For typical back pain, chiropractic is highly effective at restoring correct function to the spine. It does this first by reducing the pain, and then by fixing the actual problem to help you get back on track and stay out of pain. Often, it is a long-term issue, that's why we recommended that you see a chiropractic specialists, so they can examine your back and discuss what is best for you.