Step 1

Book your first appointment

Your first appointment is a free phone consultation with Rob to discuss your health.

Fill in the form, and Rob will call you back as soon as possible to help you.

We are fully committed to your health


Affordable and accessible care

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Real results delivered consistently



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Step 2

Examination, health report and treatment

At the end of your step 1 call, Rob will schedule your chiropractic examination and first treatment in the clinic. The appointment costs £65.00 for an adult and complimentary for your child.

This visit will typically be up to one hour and includes:

  • To assess your overall health and spinal health regarding your primary complaint.

  • To establish your health history and the root cause of your issue. Providing you with the knowledge and tools to help yourself through your care quickly and successfully.

    You may also be referred out for x-rays if necessary based on individual circumstances. This will be discussed at the time, and further details will be given.

  • Using a scanning device and scoring system called an Insight Score. The Insight Score indicates to us how healthy your body is, how well you are adapting and how much tension there is in your spinal muscles.

    Periodically through your care, your Chiropractor will measure your overall Insight Score. This helps us to keep treatment on track and recognise underlying changes and improvements.

  • Your Chiropractor will go through your findings from the visit, including your Insight Scans & Postural analysis. Allowing you to ask all the questions you need before starting Chiropractic care with us.

    If there is no need for additional tests to be done and it is safe to do so, you will receive your first chiropractic treatment. This is down to the discretion of the chiroprctor.


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Are you ready to start your health journey with Rob?

Fill in the form below to book your initial free phone consultation.